I am intrigued by line and how it creates movement and emotion in a composition. I remember an art assignment that I had when I was younger where we were asked to divide our paper into quadrants and then draw a line in each box that portrayed an emotion. I discovered that a sharp jagged line could express anger, or a slow looping line could express joy. I was fascinated by this. It has now become the foundation for all my compositions. I love the flow of a line, how they can come together in harmony, or move away from one another to create expansiveness. I use these lines to help me simplify something as intricate as natures forms, and the human form. It is a way for me to capture all that beauty and emotion without feeling too overwhelmed by the complexity of it all. By painting segments, or close-up views of these natural forms, the viewing experience can become more intimate and interpretive. I try to capture the essence of an element through the use of these flowing lines and bright colors. I want the painting to feel like it is alive and soothing. I create each composition from the inside out, depicting what I experience as opposed to what I literally see in front of me.